Wednesday 16 October 2024  IST
Publication Presentation 2020-21
Department of Occupational therapy
  1. Synergy Based Motor Therapy Inducing Favourable Changes in Motor-function Components among Poststroke Subjects: A Single-group study. Shanta Pandian & Kamal Narayan Arya, Vikas Kumar, & Akshay Kumar Joshi. Accepted for publication in Journal of Neuroscience in Rural Practice (December 2021). Available online (IEC Ref. No. PDUIPH/IEC/V/2014/01).
  2. Rehabilitation of the Shoulder Subluxation based on Ultrasonographic findings among Poststroke subjects: A Case Series. Kamal Narayan Arya, Shanta Pandian, Nidhi Bhatnagar, Abhishek Sharma. Neurology India, Sept.-Oct.2021, 69(5), 1309-17 (IEC Ref. No. PDUIPH/IEC/VI/2015/15).
  3. An Innovative Intervention for Impaired Proprioception and Stereognosis In Stroke: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Akshay Kumar Joshi, Kamal Narayan Arya, Shanta Pandian. Abstract Published in International Journal of Stroke; 16 (2S), 64, 2021 (IEC Ref.No. IEC8/2018/RP3)
Department of Occupational therapy
  1. Influence of Exteroceptive & Proprioceptive Deficits on Motor Recovery Among PostStroke Subjects - A Cross-Sectional Study. Akshay Joshi, Kamal Narayan Arya, & Shanta Pandian.  Presented & Published in Conference Souvenir - 59th Annual National Conference of All India Occupational Therapist Association, 11th to 13th March 2022 (Virtual Conference) (IEC Ref.No. IEC8/2018/RP3).
  2. Biomarkers to Capture Recovery Process in Stroke Rehabilitation: A Review. Kamal Narayan Arya, Shanta Pandian & Akshay Joshi.  Presented & Published in Conference Souvenir - 59th Annual National Conference of All India Occupational Therapist Association, 11th to 13th March 2022 (Virtual Conference) (IEC Ref.No. IEC8/2018/RP3)
  3. Novel Intervention for the upperlimb somatosensory deficit in Stroke: An RCT. Akshay Kumar Joshi, Kamal Narayan Arya, Shanta Pandian. Oral presentation, XIth Asia Pacific Stroke Congress (Virtual), 9th – 11th December 2021 (IEC Ref.No. IEC8/2018/RP3).
  4. An Innovative Intervention for Impaired Proprioception and Stereognosis In Stroke: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Akshay Kumar Joshi, Kamal Narayan Arya, Shanta Pandian. E-Poster presentation, 13th World Stroke Congress, 28th – 29th October 2021(IEC Ref.No. IEC8/2018/RP3)
  5. Novel Sensory Rehab. Protocol in Stroke: A Preliminary Study. Akshay Joshi, Kamal Narayan Arya, & Shanta Pandian. E-Poster; Presented in Indian Federation of Neurorehabilitation (IFNR), affiliated to World Federation of Neurorehabilitation (WFNR), 9-10th April 2021 (Virtual Conference) (IEC Ref.No. IEC8/2018/RP3)
Research Project
Department of Occupational therapy
  1. Neuralplasticity-based Sensory-Rehabilitation Protocol in Post-Stroke Hemiparesis. Principal Investigator: Dr. Kamal Narayan Arya, Lecturer (Occupational therapy); Funded by Indian council of Medical Research (October 2019 to September 2022). (IEC Ref.No. IEC8/2018/RP3)
  2. Building Sensorimotor Framework for Play Engagement for Sensorimotor & Socio emotional Development in Children with Developmental & Multiple Disabilities. Principal Investigator: Dr Meenakshi Batra, Lecturer (Occupational therapy); Non-funded (March 2019 – March 2023). (IEC Ref.No. IEC8/2018/RP1)

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Last updated on 15 Jul 2022

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